New Patient? We’re Here to Help You Get Started

It’s simple to transfer your dental records to our practice. Call our office and request a copy of a records release form. After you sign and return this form we will request your records be sent from your current dentist. If you would prefer, you can contact your current dentist directly and request that the records be sent to our office or e-mailed to us at

Initial Consultation and Visit

Please take a moment prior to your scheduled appointment to download and complete our new patient forms. We ask that you complete the forms and bring them with you to your appointment so we may better assist you in a timely manner.

In addition to completing your new patient forms, please call our office and request a copy of a records release form. After you sign and return this form we will request your records be sent from your current dentist. If you would prefer, you can contact your current dentist directly and request that the records be sent to our office or e-mailed to us at

Please plan on arriving 10 minutes prior to your appointment and bring along your dental insurance card.

Our goal is to provide new patients with the fastest, most comfortable experience you’ve ever had in the dental chair. In order to accomplish this, we guide first-time patients through an initial consultation that lasts around 90 minutes. All dental patients are unique, so we take our patients through this comprehensive consultation in order to create the perfect plan for you and your teeth. Initial consultation generally consists of:

  • Meeting the front office staff
  • Reviewing of primary dental concerns and past dental history
  • Reviewing of past medical history and health conditions
  • Administering digital x-rays of teeth
  • Undergoing tooth-by-tooth and periodontal examination
  • Undergoing TMJ and bite analysis
  • Scheduling first dental cleaning*
*Many patients desire a dental cleaning at the time of their initial visit. We try to provide this service whenever possible; however, some factors such as medical history or the nature of the cleaning that is required can prevent routine cleaning from being scheduled for the first visit.
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